Year: 2014 | Month: June | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Global Trends in Teacher Education

Dharmendra Kumar and Vandana Vashisth
DOI:Coming Soon


Education has benefited from global orientation Globalization has enabled more of human orientation and a less mechanical view of mankind. It has resulted in more liberalization and freedom of adoption. A shift from the study of features of limited national setting towards exchange of an world ideas and systems have enriched nation with scientific and technological interchange of knowledge, information and communication strategies among world nations has favored interdisciplinary and cross-cultural advancements. Global education has put mega issues of various nature viz. Social, Political, Economic, National and International to world stage. Further, it has enabled growth of various educational disciplinary studies related to international, Banking, Financial, Management, comparative, Political, National and International there by enriching education Agreements like GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) have clearly differentiated education in four modes for the purpose of trade. But, it is important for nationals to reap global benefits by not merely copying global phenomenon but a way of implementation that would best serve their needs in their national settings. Though much has been done, still, a more coordinated, ever growing and better approach involving temporal dimension need to be realized. Only then global perspective of using education as a vehicle of advancement and change could find practical utility of human planet.

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